Translation initiation factors from the eIF4E family in cancer and development

Project annotation:
Postdoctoral position is available for a molecular biologist / biochemist / cellular biologist to study a cellular role of cap-binding translation initiation factors of the eIF4E family in cancer and development. Human cells contain three eIF4E isoforms, each of them existing in several variants arising mainly due to alternative mRNA splicing. All the eIF4E isoforms have been shown to play an important role in development, cellular response to stress and cancer. eIF4E1 is a canonical cap-binding eukaryotic translation initiation factor. It's celular level and activity are tightly regulated, the latter by mTOR and Mnk kinases. Over-expression of eIF4E1 can lead to cellular transformation and indeed, up to one-third of human cancers demonstrate an increase in the eIF4E1 level. eIF4E2 protein is mainly recognized for its role in mRNA silencing. Nevertheless, eIF4E2 also belongs among proteins, deregulation of which creates a part of metastatic cells signature. It has been also shown to substitute eIF4E1 as a main cap-binding translation initiation factor during hypoxia. Contrary to all of that, eIF4E3 has been proposed to act as a tumor suppressor protein. The objective of the suggested project will be to map and analyze active protein complexes in which the non-canonical members of the eIF4E family, factors eIF4E2 and eIF4E3, take place in human cells and/or mouse oocytes and early embryos. We readily use both models and both of them offer and excellent opportunity to investigate less known, yet important members of the eIF4E factors family. We offer an enthusiastic team and well equipped laboratories with access to the top-notch service facilities in the Faculty of Science ( and Biocev ( We also closely co-operate with several laboratories in EMBL, Heidelberg (mainly with the Genomics Core Facility) and for the high-demanding programming and computing with the Department of Computer Science of the Czech Technical University in Prague. We have developed several lines of study of the non-canonical eIF4E factors involving different biological models and a palette of approaches ranging from biochemical purification and characterization of the protein-protein and protein-RNA complexes to cell biology methods relying on microscopic techniques. A specific direction of the research will be discussed with the candidate taking into the account candidate's skills and scientific interests.

Qualification and experience. Lab website:

Publication list:

Eliglibility criteria:

  • non Czech citizen
  • graduated PhD (exceptionally non graduated accepted, graduation till October 2020)
  • less than 5 years from PhD graduation
  • We are looking for a highly motivated, enthusiastic and qualified researcher who would like to join our team and effort. Strong background in at least one of the following discipline will be required: biochemistry, especially purification of proteins and protein complexes, molecular and cellular biology using mammalian cell lines and/or mouse oocytes as models and/or confocal microscopy. If the latter, some experience with any advanced microscopic techniques, e.g. super-resolution microscopy, will be advantageous.
  • Strong communication skills and the ability to interact and co-operate well with other scientists and students in the team are essential.

Selection process:
Selection will be based on the relevance of candidates’ professional interests and experience, and excellence in research achievements.

Position duration, starting date and remuneration:
The position duration is 24 months, starting on January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2023. Standard gross monthly salary is approx. 2 400 € including health insurance and social insurance coverage. The job status is full-time - 40 hours per week.

Required application materials:

How to submit materials:
Please send email with the required application materials to the project principal investigator.

Application deadline:
The application deadline is July 25, 2020. Succesfull candidates will be informed by October 10, 2020.

Deadline is closed

Don’t hesitate, submit an application now!

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